Unprotected Sex: the Dangers and the Next Steps

We’ve all heard that unprotected sex is bad for you. But what does unprotected sex really mean? And why exactly is it so bad? Let’s find out together.

What is unprotected sex

Unprotected, or raw sex is any form of sex (vaginal, oral, anal) that happened without a condom. To be considered protected and safe, sex must be accompanied by a barrier (a.k.a. a condom or a dental dam) to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Contrary to popular belief, having vasectomy, taking birth control pills or the pull-out method are not safe. The pill only prevents unwanted pregnancy, but you can still catch an infection. Same with a vasectomy. As for the pull-out method, it is deeply controversial because there is still a chance of pregnancy, plus you’re not protected against the diseases either.

The risks and dangers of unprotected sex

Unprotected sex is really not a good idea, especially if you’re not in a committed relationship where your goals align and health is a priority to everyone.
Here are the main cons of having unprotected sex.


If you have a vulva and are of your childbearing age, there is a relatively high risk of getting pregnant while having unprotected sex. If you’re taking a pill or use other forms of contraception, then, technically, you are on a safer side. However, there are many cases when the contraceptives fail, and pregnancy occurs. So if you reeeeally don’t want to have a child right now, or it’s off-limits for medical reasons, we’d strongly recommend you to go with a condom just in case.


We’ve briefly touched on STIs earlier in this article, but it’s an extremely serious issue, so it’s worth mentioning again.
Not to scare you, but the number of sexually transmitted diseases is insane. You can catch something that’s relatively easy to treat but also end up with hard-core terminal viruses and diseases. Some of the most known transmitted diseases are herpes, yeast infection, genital warts, chlamydia, and HIV, but there’s so much more to that list that we don’t even know about. Also, even the non-scary infections can become a catalyst to something bigger. Chlamydia, for example, can result in infertility for women.
So there is really no reason why you’d ignore safety, especially when you’re hooking up with someone new and there’s not even a guarantee that the sex will be good and you’ll have lots of fun and orgasms.
Tip: If it turns out you both have no condoms on your hands, there’s no reason to end the night early. There’s always an option to masturbate one another! Just use your hands or dental dams, because some infections, such as Hepatitis B and C can be transmitted through bodily fluids too.

When is it safe to have unprotected sex

The short answer is: Never.
At Flure, we are 100% confident that unprotected sex is always risky. Some people rely on their hormonal calendar to track ovulation, a.k.a., the fertile window, and calculate the safest time when sex can’t result in a pregnancy. But sometimes you can’t estimate those things 100% correctly. As for the diseases, they don’t have breaks. If they sit inside you or your partner, they’re always there until treated. Just use the condom and relieve yourself from the stress and the worries.

Next steps after unprotected sex

If you’re thinking to yourself “I had unprotected sex, what’s next?”, here is what to do after.


While peeing is not a magic pill, it will help reduce your chances of getting STIs. Some of the bacteria that live on the skin can enter your urethra, so peeing prevents that. It’s not a 100% remedy, but worth having a quick stop by the toilet if you’ve engaged in unprotected sex.

Wash up

Don’t shower aggressively, but try to wash or wipe away any liquids and fluids around your penis, vagina, and anus. This will help you get rid of harmful bacteria in the same way as peeing. Don’t use cleansing products though because they can cause irritation or inflammation and only make it worse if you do catch a nasty bacteria.

Plan B

If you’ve had unprotected sex and your body can bear children, you might look into emergency contraceptives, like the morning-after pills to prevent pregnancy. They’re usually recommended to take within a couple of days after sex, so if you still have time, check with your gynecologist before you take anything. Some pills might not be effective if you are over a certain weight limit or for other medical reasons, so it makes sense to speak to a professional first to make sure there are going to be no surprises if you know what we mean.

Take a pregnancy test

If you’ve missed the timeframe for emergency contraceptives, you can take a pregnancy test at home or at your doctor’s office. It probably makes no sense to take it a few days or even weeks after sex though because it takes time for hormones in your body to change that the test relies on.
Tip: If you’ve had unprotected sex and got your period a week later, you’re probably good. Yet, there’s still a chance that you can get pregnant because sperm can live up to five days (we know, it’s crazy!), so it’s probably a good idea to run the test anyway.

Consult an expert

STIs come in many shapes and forms. Some of them will make themselves known through symptoms, such as itching, cramping, painful or frequent urination, spotting, and discomfort not too far from your genitals’ area. However, some of the infections and diseases are more sneaky, and will only show on test results. That’s why if you have unprotected sex, it’s best to speak to your doctor and ask what your next steps should be.
Tip: Some STIs will not show on tests immediately because they need to spend some time in your body to become active. That’s why you might want to push the lab work for at least a few days. Your doctor can tell you more about how long after unprotected sex to run the tests. However, if your partner tests positive for anything, you can start the exposure treatment right away.

Clean your sex toys

If you like to spice it up in the bedroom with sex toys, make sure to clean them after every use. Also clean them before using them in a different area, for example, if you’ve put a toy in your vagina, wash it up before it goes in the mouth or anus.

Next time you have unprotected sex

Ideally, we should all sing Emimen’s lyrics “Next time, there will be no next time”.
But life isn’t perfect, and accidents happen. If you find yourself having unprotected sex again, it’s best to be prepared, so you won’t freak out and panic.
  1. Explore barrier contraceptives and try to have them on you at all times.
  2. If you can get pregnant, look into different birth control options, such as pills or IUDs.
  3. Ask your doctor how long you should wait before making an appointment and running tests for the most common diseases.
  4. Keep emergency contraceptives on hand or check where you can get over-the-counter options in your neighborhood.
  5. Schedule regular STI screenings or do them between partners.
  6. Explore available vaccines against STIs (yes, they exist).

The bottom line

Can you have unprotected sex? Yes, but you shouldn’t.
Raw sex carries so many risks that it’s really not worth it. If you’re on a date or casually hooking up with someone, and think that asking about condoms is not hot, there’s something much worse. What’s really not hot is being sick and having to spend weeks recovering, having to go to multiple medical examinations, and having to say No to your plans and love affairs until you’re 100% back to normal.
So girls, gays, theys, and straights – stay protected and continue to explore your sexuality!