How to make crush-worthy profile pics
We at Flure know that good profile pictures are the key to your success when dating online, and we have prepared a comprehensive guide on creating a perfect gallery to make your profile stand out. To start with, consider these simple dos and don’ts.
Dos and Don’ts for Dating Profile Pictures
Portraits rock!
Use your chance to fill that space in people’s phones with a gorgeous headshot! Make it your opening line and invite people to get to know you by showing them your eyes and a beautiful smile. Don’t be afraid to experiment with lights and backgrounds or hire a professional photographer.
Use high-quality photos only!
In the Instagram era, there is no place for blurred, poor-lit photos. Radiate your confidence through the screen with the best pics you have!
Tell a story
Use your profile to ignite interest with some pictures that portray your personality. Let the people feel your unique vibe with a gallery that shows the real you, your interests, and your passions.
Include at least one full-body shot
A dating app is not a place to hide that beautiful figure! Allow people to check you out!
Be bright!
Bold colors are the best to attract attention. Show some positive energy and a great mood with colorful pics, and the people will follow!
A genuine, inviting smile is your best ice-breaker. People won’t talk to you if you look unwelcoming, and what is the best way to encourage, if not with a warm smile and eye contact?
Avoid group pics
Your dating profile is only your space, not anybody else’s! It can be unclear which person you are in the photo, and what if they don’t like your friends or like your friends better than you? Trust us, it’s better to ditch the group photos!
No negative vibes!
The most important and universal rule for all dating apps. Don’t use photos with any negative context, like those where you look sad or those taken in unappealing settings.
Don’t use too many filters
Oh, the filtered selfies, the plague of today! If too many selfies can harm your profile, those filters will damage it even more. If you hide your true self behind them, it’s a big no-no.
Don’t hide!
Make sure that people can actually see you in your profile pictures. Sunglasses, hats, and mirror selfies where the phone covers your face don’t belong on dating apps!
Don’t compromise your safety!
Make sure your pictures don’t reveal personal information, such as your home or work address. Like with any other online network, safety comes first in dating apps!
Don’t post pictures that you don’t like
Before you upload a photo to your profile, think if it is that picture you want everyone to see. If you aren’t 100% sure about a photo, don’t make it a part of your profile.
Dating Profile Pictures Ideas
Your profile is your space to show your personality and tell a story.
Here are our valuable tips for guys and girls to help attract more matches:
Nature pictures
Most people love nature and enjoy nature activities, so it’s always a great idea to show yourself in some picturesque place, enjoying a hike or exploring.
Showcase your hobby!
Let people get to know you by showing your passions in your pics! It will surely attract the right kind of attention.
Travel photos
Include a picture from your last trip to show your adventurous side and spark a conversation to exchange your travel experiences.
Picture with a furry friend
People find pets cute, and so do we! Introduce your furry friend, if you have one: it will add some playfulness and kindness to your profile.
Change outfits
Show different sides of the real you. If you want to show a photo of you dressed up for a formal event, go for it!
How to Take Good Dating Profile Pictures Yourself
Quality over quantity
Poor quality, pixelated, blurred photos don’t belong on dating apps! Use the right equipment and ensure the light is perfect for your shot! Natural light is always a go, and you can catch that magical warm glow during the golden hour. Avoid poorly lit spaces or too harsh midday sunlight.
Experiment and enjoy!
It can take some time to find out which pose fits you best or what is your perfect angle. Practice in front of the mirror to look more confident in the pictures.
Try accessories
If you take pictures yourself, having a few devices will help you create truly mind-blowing, high-quality photos for a dating app. A tripod will help you get the most flattering angles, and a timer and a remote shutter will give you the necessary freedom for a natural pose.
Mind the settings
A clear and appealing background and a balanced composition are the keys to your beautiful photos. Avoid untidy spaces or locations that may appear unattractive.
Edit with care and ask for opinions
Use photo-editing apps if your pic needs improvement, but avoid over-editing or using too many filters. Overedited photos can be misleading. Before choosing the pictures you will add, don’t hesitate to ask your friends or family for feedback: a good piece of advice can help you choose the best pic!
Professional Dating Profile Photos
We at Flure believe nothing beats a good professional photo, and we encourage you to try a professional photo shoot for some truly mind-blowing pics! If you opt for professional photos, choosing the right photographer is crucial. Look for someone who specializes in portrait photography and understands the nuances of online dating.
What to Wear in Dating Profile Pictures
Don’t be shy to show off your unique style! Show the outfits that capture your authentic self: it’s important to stay true to your usual style. Follow these simple tips to choose the best looks for your online dating app pics.
1. Think about your future matches. Who do you want to attract, and what message to send with your outfit?
2. A dating app is your safe space for being playful and flirting, a place where we don’t have to follow a strict and formal dress code. It is an opportunity to showcase your body, especially if the picture follows the quality guidelines.
3. Avoid overly suggestive photos or very provocative clothing. While it’s okay to show off your physique if that's something you're comfortable with, overly sexual or suggestive photos on your profile might attract the wrong kind of attention.
4. Stay comfortable. Choose clothes that you feel good in and that allows you to move naturally.
5. Grooming matters. A well-maintained appearance goes hand in hand with the clothes you wear. This includes hair, facial hair for men, and makeup for women.
6. Choose clothes that fit well and dress for the season. It will make you look sensible, put-together, and confident.
7. Select the right colors and patterns. Bright colors will make your profile stand out, but remember to choose the colors that complement your skin tone. Also, your outfit should contrast with the background of your photo.
8. Choose appropriate accessories. They should add a trendy touch to your outfit, but not hide your features.
9. Ask for advice. Sometimes, it helps to get a second opinion. Ask a friend or family member what they think of your outfit choice.
10. Consider professional help. If you want to change your style or just would like to try a professional approach.
Your dating profile gallery is more than just some pictures. It is your opportunity to connect with like-minded people, let them into your world, and show them who you are. At Flure, you can express yourself and explore your desires, so what’s not the best place to start with if not with your profile gallery? Photograph with care, upload wisely and make your dating dreams come true with pics that show the best version of yourself.